Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Paul Ryan Has Been Trying To Sell Himself as Moderate, Old Video Shows He Is a Radical Conservative on Social Security

Paul Ryan Has Been Trying To Sell Himself as Moderate, Old Video Shows He Is a Radical Conservative

When they booed [5] Paul Ryan at the American Association of Retired Persons last week, most people didn't even know he called [6] Medicare and Social Security "third party or socialist-based systems." Or that he said [7] he wants to privatize them in order to "break the back" of a "collectivist philosophy."

On recently transcribed remarks from an audio recording, Ryan said his ideas and values were shaped by an extremist author who thought humanity must "reject the morality of altruism," and that his opinions on monetary policy are guided by a fictional speech which says "the words 'to make money' hold the essence of human morality."

That author says the "collectivist philosophy" Ryan ascribes to Social Security and Medicare is a "looters' credo." By that reckoning, anyone who receives assistance from the government -- including disabled combat veterans or impoverished children -- is a "looter."

"Seniors are looters." Wonder how that would have gone over at the AARP?"Disabled veterans are looters." How would that play at the local VFW?

This recording confirms that the GOP's Vice Presidential candidate is the most politically extreme major-party candidate in living memory. His views have already drawn the opposition of Catholic theologians, as well as advocates for lower-income people, the middle class, seniors, the disabled and children.

If those views were better known, they'd also alienate independents, Democrats and seniors, as well as most Republicans and Tea Party members.


As usual there is some massive hypocrisy in Ryan's wacko world view, as a teen he collected Social Security death benefits that allowed him to go to college.

Republican William Jacobson of Cornell University is a morally degenerate liar, Elizabeth Warren did not do anything illegal or unethical. No, Elizabeth Warren Did Not Engage in the Unauthorized Practice of Law

Paul Ryan vs. The Stench

Though Ryan had already decided to distance himself from the floundering Romney campaign, he now feels totally uninhibited. Reportedly, he has been marching around his campaign bus, saying things like, “If Stench calls, take a message” and “Tell Stench I’m having finger sandwiches with Peggy Noonan and will text him later.”

Even before the stench article appeared, there was a strong sign that Ryan was freeing himself from the grips of the Romney campaign. It began after his disastrous appearance on Friday before AARP in New Orleans. Ryan delivered his remarks in the style dictated by his Romney handlers: Stand behind the lectern, read the speech as written and don’t stray from the script.

Ryan brought his 78-year-old mother with him and introduced her to the audience, which is usually a sure crowd pleaser.

But when Ryan began talking about repealing “Obamacare” because he said it would harm seniors, one woman in the crowd shouted, “Lie!” Another shouted “Liar!” and the crowd booed Ryan lustily.

Underneath Ryan is not the serious thoughtful wonk advertised, he is a wacky repeat of Sarah Palin.

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