Saturday, May 4, 2013

The National Right To Murder Association NRA's New President Jim Porter is a Confederate Sympathizer

The NRA's New President Jim Porter is a Confederate Sympathizer

Alabama lawyer Jim Porter will replace current NRA President David Keene, whose two-year term is expiring.

Here's what the media should know about Porter, a conspiracy theorist who calls the Civil War the "War of Northern Aggression" and represents more of the same for the organization:

....2.     Porter Believes "Un-American" Eric Holder And Hillary Clinton Tried To "Kill The Second Amendment At The United Nations." Porter said during a June 2012 speech at the New York Rifle & Pistol Association's Annual Meeting that Attorney General Eric Holder, who he termed "rabidly un-American," was "trying to kill the Second Amendment at the United Nations" with the help of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He attributed this to the proposed United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, which he claimed would "make it illegal for individuals all over the world to own firearms." This is a blatant misrepresentation of the treaty, which deals with the international arms trade, not private ownership. ( Someone should ask Porter where he gets his drugs. They seem to be string enough to turn anyone who takes them into Glenn UnAmerican Beck).

3.       Porter Calls The Civil War The "War Of Northern Aggression." Explaining the NRA's roots during the same June 2012 speech, Porter said, "NRA was started 1871 right here in New York state. It was started by some Yankee generals who didn't like the way my Southern boys had the ability to shoot in what we call the 'War of Northern Aggression.' Now y'all might call it the Civil War, but we call it the 'War of Northern Aggression' down south." ( Corporate profits are higher than ever and wages for working class Americans are lower - just the kind of plantation economy conservatives dream of)

4.     Porter Thinks President Obama Wants European-Style Socialism. In a February 2011 interview with NRA News, Porter said: "I think everybody had a wake-up call after the Democrats took over Congress in 2006, and I think they had a huge shock when President Obama was elected in 2008. Most folks never would believe that there would be a run on our rights, our individual rights like there's been in this country. And people are so concerned that where this government wants to take us is to a European socialistic, bureaucratic type of government. And it's been a wake-up call." ( being a drug addict, a racist, a mentally deranged UnAmerican fruitbar, Porter is trying to deflect from the FACT that it is conservatives who are trying to do to the American economy, what European leaders are doing to Europe.

So the NRA has another anti-American proto fascist mentally deranged assclown as its president. Gee, what a surprise. Too bad his parents never warned him about sniffing the polish when he shines up his jack-boots.

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