Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fox News Demonizes Food Stamps for Poor, Says Nothing About Unearned Income of Billionaires

Fox News Demonizes Food Stamps for Poor, Says Nothing About Unearned Income of Billionaires

Fox News reported on House Republicans' removal of the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) from an agriculture bill by parroting Republican falsehoods about the program. The report hyped Republicans' false accusations that SNAP, commonly known as food stamps, is rife with fraud and has no vetting process without challenging the claims. The segment also ignored what others in the media have reported -- that separating SNAP funding from the farm bill could lead to major cuts in the program.

Last week, House Republicans passed an agriculture bill, commonly known as the farm bill, without including funding for the SNAP program. The move stripped SNAP from the farm bill, where it has been since 1973, according to the New York Times.

During the July 15 edition of Fox News' America Live, correspondent Shannon Bream reported on the removal of SNAP, claiming the vote would not end SNAP and that no one would be cut off due to the House-version of the farm bill. Bream highlighted Republicans' purported opinions on the program: "Republicans say the system is filled with fraud and that claims made by applicants aren't vetted or verified in any way."

In fact, SNAP has a very low instance of fraud. The trafficking rate, when a SNAP benefit is exchanged for cash, is only one cent per dollar, and that's down from 1993 when it was four cents. The chief economist of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), Chad Stone, wrote:

    [SNAP] has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program. SNAP error rates (benefit overpayments and underpayments) are at an all-time low; just 3 percent of benefits went to ineligible households or exceeded the allowable benefit for eligible households. Moreover, honest mistakes by recipients, eligibility workers, data entry clerks or computer programmers - not fraud - account for an overwhelming majority of such overpayments.

Rules for SNAP eligibility vary by state, but applicants must verify household income is below a certain standard and that assets do not exceed a given amount.

Ironically, according to the Times, non-SNAP programs contained the farm bill suffer higher fraud and abuse rates than SNAP.

While Bream's claim that the House-passed farm bill does not cut SNAP is technically correct, she ignored what many others in the media have acknowledged -- that, as the Washington Post wrote, "The vote made clear that Republicans intend to make significant reductions in food stamp money." Fox's Trace Gallagher even introduced the segment by referring to a "food fight ... where lawmakers are taking aim at the exploding cost of food stamps."

Fox News has routinely attacked SNAP and other programs in an effort to shame the poor.

Some people are on food assistance for a couple of reasons. One, many of them have jobs at places like McDonalds ( who admit they do not pay a living wage) or Wal-Mart - who does not pay a living wage, so the public actually subsidizes those businesses. Fox and the conservative propaganda machine never complains about the millions and billions of unearned income by the very wealthy. Mitt Romney for example has never worked an honest day in his life - he made hundreds of millions by rent seeking. Some people do not have jobs - there are still more unemployed than there are job openings. Where are many of those jobs/ They're in Asia because of the kind of anything-goes free trade policy that conservatives have been ramming down the country's throat for the last fifty years.

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