Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mitt Romney is George Bush Redux. Romney's Policies Are So Anti-American That Americans Can't Believe Someone Could Be So Anti-American

Mitt Romney is George Bush Redux. Romney's Policies Are So Anti-American That Americans Can't Believe Someone Could Be So Anti-American

Mitt Romney’s tax and spending plans are so irresponsible, so cruel, so extreme that they are literally incredible. Voters may find it hard to believe anyone would support such things, so they are likely to discount even factual descriptions as partisan distortion.

The pro-Obama New Priorities PAC stumbled across this phenomena early in 2012 in its focus group testing. When they informed a focus group that Romney supported the budget plan by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), and thus championed ending Medicare as we know it while also championing tax cuts for the wealthy, focus group participants simply didn’t believe it. No politician could be so clueless.

Incredulity may complement what New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd dubbed Romney’s strategy of “hiding in plain sight.” Romney refuses to release his tax returns, scrubbed the records and e-mails of his time as governor and as head of the Olympics, keeps secret details of his Bain dealings and covers up the names of his bundlers. And then, he’s able to announce extremely cruel policy positions with impunity, because the voters just can’t believe that’s what he is for.

This is what comes to mind with the publication of a study on the effects of the Romney tax policy by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center and the Brookings Institution.

Real life is like the movies. At the beginning of the movie the clean cut guy with a white shirt and tie appears. he seems nice enough. About two thirds of the way through people are running for their lives from the guy who appears normal. You would have thought America learned its lesson with George Bush who sent Americans off to literally die for a bunch of lies. Nope, here we are again with an Anti-American radical wrapping himself in the flag, claiming his deeply Anti-American policies are good for the country. 

Scott Brown (R-MS) is Competent At One Thing, Whining Like a Little Wuss,  Decries Legally Mandated Voter Registration Effort, Says It’s A Conspiracy To Elect His Opponent

Steve Doocy is a lazy incompetent jerk who gets paid millions to babble nonsense. One would think he would love America and American values, yet he spews more Anti-American bile than anyone can keep track of. His Latest is an attack on women's rights and religious freedom, Fox's Doocy Hides Religious Accommodation For Reproductive Health Mandate.

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