Friday, August 31, 2012

Dear Clint Eastwood and other reality challenged conservatives.

Dear Clint Eastwood and other reality challenged conservatives. Take responsibility for the havoc you reeked on the economy. You broke it, you own it.

About the July Jobs Report

Job growth picked up in July, but a strong labor market recovery remains elusive.

    Private and government payrolls combined rose by 163,000 jobs in July, a significantly faster pace than in the prior three months.  Private employers added 172,000 jobs, while government employment fell by 9,000.  Federal employment fell by 2,000 jobs, state government employment fell by 6,000, and local government employment fell by 1,000.
    This is the 29th straight month of private-sector job creation, with payrolls growing by 4.5 million jobs (a pace of 157,000 jobs a month) since February 2010; total nonfarm employment (private plus government jobs) has grown by 4.0 million jobs over the same period, or 138,000 a month.  The loss of 543,000 government jobs over this period was dominated by a loss of 392,000 local government jobs.
    Despite the 29 months of private-sector job growth, there were still 4.7 million fewer jobs on nonfarm payrolls in July than when the recession began in December 2007 and 4.3 million fewer jobs on private payrolls.  Payroll job growth has averaged 151,000 over the year, and July’s 163,000 jobs are still well below the average of 252,000 jobs a month that the economy created in December through February (although warmer-than-usual weather played a role there by, for instance, allowing for more outside construction jobs).

Conservatives in Congress have blocked all job creation legislation in order to increase their chances in the election. Rep Michele Bachmann famously hoped that unemployment would remain high. Senate conservative leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY) famously quipped that his only goal was to make sure Obama had a failed presidency. Why do Republicans love the goals of the conservative movement and hate the USA. Perhaps Clint could ask that empty chair. In 2008, before Obama was elected Republicans ruled over a loss of about $17 trillion dollars of the nation's wealth. Yea, great idea, let's return these dangerous zealots back to power.

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